AI for Radio Ads

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An AI solution for radio broadcast agencies.

Write Label provides radio broadcasting agencies copywriting services for radio and video ad spots sold to advertisers. These agencies request the creative work via Write Label’s platform and a community of Write Label writers and editors provide the client with ready-for-air ad scripts. 

With the advancement in AI technologies and its sweeping influence across industries, radio broadcasting agencies were seeking ways to work faster and more efficient using AI. 

To stay relevant, Write Label partnered with AI companies in training large language models to write radio ad scripts and generate audio previews of the scripts using AI-generated synthetic voices. 

The solution provided the user to use AI and generate multiple scripts at a time. Then with a few clicks, the user selected a type of voice and a music bed. Seconds later they were provided with an audio file that in many cases was ready for air —all produced by AI.

A Copywriting Platform

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A ticketing system for submitting and reviewing copywriting.

Write Label provides radio broadcasting agencies copywriting services for radio and video ad spots sold to advertisers. These agencies request the creative work via Write Label’s platform and a community of Write Label writers and editors provide the client with ready-for-air ad scripts. 

Writers’ workflow involved browsing a feed of available work, claiming a “ticket” on a project, and having a specific amount of time to submit a ready-for-air ad script for editorial review. The editorial team would then claim a ticket to review and finalize the script for review from the radio broadcasting agency. 

The existing UI for accomplishing this workflow was dated and had a list of usability issues. 

The solution was an entirely new design and restructuring of the ticketing process for a project. The result resolved the usability issues, improved ease of the workflow, and modernized the look of the UI.

Yearbook Tools for Schools

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An end-to-end yearbook solution.

Where yearbooks used to take months to print, Picaboo Yearbooks disrupted the yearbook industry over 10 years ago by combining on-demand yearbook printing and a proprietary yearbook design web app.

During my time with Picaboo Yearbooks I helped in keeping its design software relevant and innovative by working closely with schools and internal customer service teams and addressing needs and adjusting to changes in the education world. 

Direct-sales Business Tools

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A sales and business management platform for sales consultants.

Scentsy is a worldwide direct-sales company specializing in scented air solutions, cleaning supplies, and health and beauty products. Scenty consultants all over the world rely on an online platform for managing their goals, customer orders, sales incentives, and more.

My time at Scentsy focused on constantly improving the business tools for sales consultants. The previous generation of the platform was uninspiring for new and existing consultants looking to level up in their earning potential. 

In addition to redesigning the overall look of the platform, I worked closely with consultants to design a dashboard that evolved with their onboarding and their progress as a new or veteran consultant.

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